By Dino Crescini
As seen on the April 2020 issue of the Philippine Tribune
March 21, 2020 ━ A meeting attended by community leaders, past presidents of PCC-NSW, and concerned Filipino citizens highlighted problems plaguing the organisation. Top of the agenda was the sitting president Alric Bulseco who was in violation of the PCC constitution.
Past presidents of PCC-NSW which compose the Advisory Board had previously requested to have a meeting with the incumbent board but Bulseco refused.
In attendance were Manny Diel, Kate Andres, Malyn Andres-Chun, Jimmy Lopez, Ronaldo Villaver, Arturo Sayas, Jun Relunia and Evelyn Beed. Ric de Vera and Neria Soliman sent their apologies but said they would consent to whatever resolution the group might decide on. Not in attendance were Jess Diaz, Rey Manoto, Serna Ladia, Elsa Collado and Marivic Manalo.
The concerned presidents had initially written a letter to Bulseco informing him that he was in breach of the constitution. The letter requested for immediate action, actually hinting that he was expected to resign.
The PCC-NSW Constitution clearly provides:
“Only one representative from each association is allowed to sit in the board.”
It simply means that no two people from the same organisation should be sitting on the board at the same time. Ergo, having allowed this as incumbent president, Bulseco is in violation of the constitution.
Bulseco represents Australian Mindanao Multicultural Communities but Serna Ladia, the Immediate Past President also represents the same organisation. But Ladia said: “There is no case.” She stated that she was also representing the Filipino Cooperative.
In the Filipin-Oz website, Ms Benjie de Ubago wrote: “Ladia cannot shift alliances in midstream. She was not representing the Filipino Cooperative as Kate Andres is the president and official representation must be obtained from the board of Filcoop. Neither Andres nor the Filcoop board had given Ladia the authority to represent Filcoop.”
It will be recalled that in the past, Bulseco was instrumental in the expulsion of a number of PCC affiliates. His initiative resulted in the formation of a rival federation ━ APCO.

De Ubago also wrote: “Quick to the defence of Bulseco, some of his allies threw in the corona virus issue for effect. . . but Bulseco won’t budge. He was in breach of the PCC constitution since 2013 when he failed to step down from the board when Ateneo Alumni Association resigned [from PCC].”
In 2007, he voted at the PCC elections for Ateneo when he was not even a bona-fide member of the Ateneo Alumni Association of Australia. It was only after the elections that he filled out an Ateneo Alumni Membership Application form in the presence of this writer inside the now defunct Le Colonial Restaurant at Westpoint Shopping Centre. Such form which bears Bulseco’s signature is still intact and in the hands of this writer.
In her website, De Ubago continued: “Other affiliates commented: [What kind of leaders do we have if they don’t want to accept their mistakes? Should they deserve our trust and support? Surely the other board members have scruples and would stand up for what is right. Otherwise it’s blind loyalty.]”
“In these unprecedented times of uncertainty, indecision looms in PCC-NSW. With limited activities on offer, it is the best time to fix things in PCC-NSW. And when it is all over, when doom has come to pass, then everyone can start afresh and really celebrate.” Miss de Ubago concluded. Ω