Builder refuses to remove construction rubbish

We received a report from a new homeowner that the builder refused to remove the construction rubbish that was dumped in front of her house. Saying that it is not their responsibility, Champion Homes also refused to restore the council footpath that was dug up and destroyed during the construction. Council does not pick up construction materials.

According to the same source, Champion Homes has victimised several people and have become more arrogant as they continue to use bullying tactics. They know that after they have drained people of their resources, their frustrated customers can no longer take them to court. Maria (not her real name) said: “I do not even have the resources anymore to continue the work that they have left undone.”

Updated: 2011-01-09 — 06:21:18


  1. Alas this is just one victim of this unscrupulous builder. The list of hapless people whose lives have been made a misery by this company is now far too long.