Opening prayer voted down by ALP councillors

It is important that we respect and preserve our Christian heritage and our culture in all levels of Government. We can respect other cultures without throwing out our own great culture. Our culture is what has made this country a great place to live in.During the first Council meeting, I moved that we re-introduce the Christian prayer at the beginning of meetings. This is traditional practice in Federal and State Parliament and most other City Councils in Australia. The motion was lost because all Labor Councillors voted against it.

The vote was 8 ALP against, 5 Liberals for and 2 Independents in favour of the motion. So it was lost because of the ALP vote.

I argued that we should retain our heritage and that it should be reflected in our meetings.

We still have several Christian crosses in our national flag. Our nation and most of our traditions were built on Christian values. We still respect and observe Christian holidays at Christmas and Easter. Other countries do not throw and reject their long standing heritage and culture. So why is the ALP so quick to show disregard to our heritage?

Our children need values and should be aware of the basis of our laws and ethics of fair play and living in our society.

I hope that the ALP Councillors review this decision in the future. I will continue to support and push for this to be re-introduced.

Allan V. Green
Independent, Ward One
Blacktown Council

Updated: 2008-11-07 — 21:26:07


  1. “-; I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information ‘~`

  2. “-; I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information ‘~`

  3. “-; I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information ‘~`

  4. “-; I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information ‘~`

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