Domestic violence victim flees from husband by Dino Crescini

Still looking young and pretty at age 35, Vicky (not her real name) had bruises all over her body when she came to the office of Philippine Sentinel for an interview. She had some cuts in her arms and legs and other parts of her body as a result of severe beatings received from her husband. She said she is a victim of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse by her Australian husband whom she married in Pangasinan on July 2010.

On the strength of a spouse visa, Vicky arrived in Australia on March 2011 and lived for some time in Fairfield, NSW. She was pregnant but lost her first baby because of frequent beatings by her husband. According to her, it seemed that her husband could only achieve sexual satisfaction through sadism.

Vicky became a permanent resident in June 2012 and now lives in a House of Refuge in an undisclosed location.

Complicated situation

The situation is somewhat complicated because her husband, against whom an AVO (apprehended violence order) has been issued, continues to enjoy visiting rights on their daughter. The husband’s name cannot be published because the matter is now sub judice.

Now looking for a house

Galang Migrant Workers Union (GMWU) is now looking for a house for Vicky and her child because her application with the Department of Housing has been declined. The House of Refuge provides only temporary accommodation and her term will soon expire.

A team of lawyers from GMWU provides free legal assistance to Vicky.

Updated: 2012-12-04 — 20:29:17


  1. Is Mr Galang helping out without any financial reward in return or just like most organisation, it is a bread and butter of the unemployed and there is an ulterior motive behind the charitable work? If not, he is doing an outstanding job!