Gigi Reyes, the alleged ‘other woman’ of Enrile

Jessica Lucila “Gigi” Gonzales-Reyes has been dubbed in the hallowed halls of the Philippine Senate as the “24th senator.” A lawyer herself, she was accepted into the law firm of Enrile, Cayetano, Reyes and Manalastas immediately after graduation from the College of Law of the University of the Philippines in 1988. She then became the Chief of Staff of Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile — signs cheques and issues memos to Senate functionaries involving the funds of the chamber.

Some 15 years ago, the Chicago Tribune reported that Enrile’s wife Cristina walked out on him in January 1998 after charging adultery. The Chicago newspaper also reported that the “other woman“ was Gigi Gonzales-Reyes, Enrile’s chief of staff, and who is 30 years younger than the senator.

Enrile turned 89 on Valentine’s Day this year. He denied any involvement with Gigi Reyes, saying that he was too old to engage in extra-marital relationships. In a television interview, he was quoted as having said: “I do not look old at all. But from my waist up I am still doing very well, but from the waist down, well, I do not know about that — maybe once in a blue moon, if ever.”

In another television interview conducted by TV host Winnie Monsod, Enrile said that he was willing to undergo a test for erectile dysfunction. He attributed his youthful looks to stem cell therapy which is now very popular in the Philippines.

The senate president confirmed that Reyes has resigned as his Chief of Staff but he also said that he was trying to woo her back.

Updated: 2013-03-07 — 16:20:09