Oil Wolves Guised as Green Sheep

Green giants funded by oil giants

by Bernie Lopez eastwindreplyctr@gmail.com

Royal Dutch Shell founded and ran the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International. Its former President for 15 years, John Loudon, stepped out of Shell to become the WWF President for 4 years. WWF was then funded by British Petroleum (BP) for 40 years, spending $238 million in 2011 alone. In 1961, Shell Oil gave WWF-UK $663,000. That is the tip of the iceberg. Later, WWF received a wave of donations in the next 40 years from oil giants like British Petroleum, Shell, and others, until 2000.

There is a blatant conflict of interest between environmental advocacy and oil multinationals who campaign against nuclear energy and who hire scientists to refute that fossil fuels are causing global warming. Is the anti-nuclear campaign of Greenpeace due to nuclear energy being the rival of oil energy? Is campaign of green giants to discredit climate change scientists due to the oil industry being one of the greatest polluter of the environment? Do they fear fossil fuel producers will be compelled to lessen productions due to climate change? A Newsweek cover screamed “Global Warming Is a Hoax”. Green giants carry oil interests, some of which are diametrically opposed to green advocacy.

Greenpeace wrote, “There’s a difference between free speech and a campaign to deny the climate science with the goal of undermining international action on climate change …  Freedom of speech does not apply to misinformation and propaganda.” Greenpeace is funded by Standard Oil, and so is Sierra Club, as reported by website Activist Cash

Other green NGO giants like ACORN are funded by Standard Oil. Sierra Club received over $25 million from the gas industry led by Chesapeake Energy from 2007 to 2010. BP’s CEO John Browne was in the board of Conservation International (CI). BP gave $2 million to CI and $10 million to Nature Conservancy.

The Environment Defence Fund, which does not accept corporate donations, partnered with BP, Shell International, et al to form the Partnership for Climate Action. Environment groups joined BP Wind Energy in 2008 to form the American Wind and Wildlife Institute. Is WWF’s conservation program in the Coral Triangle an ‘advance party’ for oil exploration? The 1.6-billion-acre Coral Triangle, reputed to be the richest marine biodiversity area in the planet, covers 6 countries, and is suspected to have vast oil reserves. WWF and Nature Conservancy have forged a conservation cooperation with these 6 countries through the USAID-funded Coral Triangle Support Partnership. The green sheep we see are oil wolves in disguise.

Here are some statistics from infowars.com – a list of Rockefeller foundations to green giants – Rockefeller Brothers Foundation to Greenpeace $1,080,000.00 from 1997 to 2005; to Sierra Club $710,000.00 from 1995 to 2001; to ACORN $10,000.00 in 2002. John D. Rockefeller was the oil tycoon during the Industrial Revolution. Rockefeller Family Fund to Greenpeace $115,000.00 from 2002 to 2005; to Sierra Club $105,000.00 from 1996 to 2002; to ACORN $25,000.00 in 1998. Rockefeller Foundation to Greenpeace $20,285.00 1996 – 2001; Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors to Sierra Club $38,250.00 1997 – 2000. (Source:http://www.infowars.com/big-green-oil-money-wwf-founded-with-money-from-royal-dutch-shell/print/)

Updated: 2013-05-07 — 10:02:14