Migrante Australia says: “No right to be a bigot”

We stand our ground – it is always wrong to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people because of their race, colour or national or ethnic origin.

Attorney General George Brandis commented that people have the right to be bigots. We are astounded by that comment. Nobody has the right to bigotry; but we all have the right to be protected from bigotry and that right should be available to all, especially the most marginalised and powerless.

Migrants to Australia often left oppressive countries where they experienced oppression, intimidation and humiliation. This led them to seek and live in a multicultural society where they could be safe and protected. Now, the Attorney General appears to endorse the “right” to be a bigot!

Powerful people are most often the source of the most damaging intimidation and humiliation on discriminatory grounds. The famous Andrew Bolt case is an illustration. A powerful man, with access to multiple media platforms to broadcast his views did so, insulting and humiliating a group of people based on their race and colour, and using assertions that the relevant tribunal found was false.

The victims of Mr Bolt were not wealthy and powerful, with his pervasive media access. The 18C protections made sure that they had an opportunity to defend themselves and get justice.

We must never forget vulnerable victims without the power and access of those who vilify, humiliate or intimidate them.

We also are dismayed that the proposed changes to section 18C water down the definition of ‘intimidation’ to only threats of physical harm. Emotional and mental harm is very real and very damaging. The infliction of such harm is recognised as a crime in domestic and family violence, and is a crime in the states and territories [e.g. section 13 of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal) Violence Act 2007 (NSW)]. We say bigots often seek to inflict mental and emotional harm and this should remain condemned by section 18C.

Migrante NSW defends section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. This must be retained and not weakened. Defend Australian equity and multi-culturism!

Updated: 2014-05-16 — 20:58:02