Gigi Reyes has ‘heart’ problems

Senator Enrile’s ex-chief of staff Gigi Reyes was not able to attend her arraignment.

She cited a history of Bell’s palsy seizure and coronary artery disease, and complained of chest pains, hypertension, headaches, difficulty in breathing, stiffening of hands and feet, fatigue, and palpitations. Attending physicians called it neurocirculatory asthenia. In layman’s terms, karma.

The hospital bulletin says Reyes lacks the appetite to eat and often gets dizzy — prompting Senator Enrile to issue a pre-emptive statement denying he’s the father. This alleged plunderer spent less than five hours in jail. A day later, Gigi Reyes experienced ‘anxiety attack’ — allegedly, so she was rushed to the Pateros District Hospital.

She was later transferred to the Philippine Heart Centre where doctors examined her and concluded she has a condition called, “still in love and couldn’t move on.”

(The Professional Heckler)

Updated: 2014-09-01 — 17:58:31