Muslim ‘no-go’ zones in the UK

Non-Muslim ‘no-entry’ zones have been multiplying all over Europe. Once established, they are unsafe, and proving deadly for non-Muslims to inhabit or even to walk through the neighbourhood.

Most big French cities have areas which have become “no-go zones” which non-Muslims and even police cannot enter. It seems that Britain and European countries have suffered from “moral cowardice” and allowed “big ghettos” to develop.

It’s happening right across Europe. There are no-go zones in most of the big French cities. They’ve turned a blind eye to preachers of hate that have been coming from the Middle East and saying things for which the rest of the people would be arrested.

In parts of northern England  there appears to be sexual grooming of under-age girls committed by Muslim men. Police forces are not doing their job because they have suffered from moral cowardice.

Through mass immigration and not checking the details of those people who have come to Europe, they have allowed big ghettos to develop and when it comes to confronting tough issues they’ve run a mile and that is why they’re in the mess. Britons are hoping and praying that similar no-go zones do not develop in British cities.

Tens of thousands  of young women have been reported to be victims of female genital mutilation in the UK.

Even a few years ago, there had been some clear examples where the immigration services were actually allowing women to come into Britain from Pakistan and elsewhere to join polygamous marriages — something that is against British law.

Wherever you look, you see this blind eye being turned and you see the growth of ghettos where the police and all the normal agents of the law have withdrawn and that is where Sharia Law has come in and you know it got so bad in Britain that the last Archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of the Anglican Church, has reportedly said “Sharia Law should be accepted.”

The comments were made after a commentator told Fox News that Birmingham has become a totally Muslim city. David Cameron called him a “complete idiot”. (The Telegraph)

Updated: 2015-02-01 — 15:55:27