My Innermost Thoughts: The Realities of Life

Lorna Ramirez wrote this book so she could share her wisdoms with others. She has been an observer of human behaviour and emotions and has built up her own personal philosophies throughout her life.

This book is a collection of her strong beliefs and convictions and offers encouragement and enlightenment to others who may be lost and confused or be looking for some positive advice and assistance.

Lorna Ramirez is a woman of strong beliefs in her faith and advocates believing in oneself, perseverance when times are difficult and living in the present.

These original poems and wise sayings will be enjoyed by readers young and old, from all walks of life, because of their simplicity and beauty.

This book can be purchased via Amazon and Booktopia, both in physical and digital. It can also be downloaded through Google, Ebay, Barnes and Noble. If you want a physical signed copy of the book please email the author: <>

Price of the book: Only $24.95 (plus postage and handling)

Updated: 2016-02-01 — 17:37:22