The evil that men do . . . in PCC

To this day, Alric Bulseco continues to flaunt his title as Vice President-External of the Philippine Community Council as most other officers and members of the PCC-NSW board were personally handpicked by him through lobbying prior to every PCC Annual General Meetings. Unless some fickle-minded officer of PCC  changes the date of the election, the much- awaited AGM will happen on the 13th of this month. It was first scheduled on March 6 but it was changed to one week later. In the previous years, as mandated by historical data, elections have always been scheduled during the month of February or earlier. The extension gives aspiring office bearers more time to lobby.

What has Bulseco been doing over the years?

For the benefit of his blind followers, here’s a list of Bulseco’s misdeeds during his reign of terror at PCC.

? In 2007,  he voted during the PCC elections representing Ateneo when

he was not a bona fide member of Ateneo Alumni Association of

Australia. To regularize his status, he eventually applied for membership

in AAAA.

? In 2009,  he was the PRO for PCC but did not do anything.

? In 2010, he refused to provide a ticket for the mother of RJ Rosales, a

special guest during the PND Ball. Rosales agreed to sing free of


? He refused to follow the script during the 20th Anniversary of PCC in


? In 2011, he flew into a rage during the farewell dinner for Consul Tony

Reyes at Crystal Seafood Restaurant because he was not part of the

planning committee.

? In 2011,  he had an unpleasant  encounter with Dr. Alexis Leones.

? In 2012, he refused to do anything about the absenteeism of Miko

Selorio, Raquel Pellero and Mao De Vera.

? In the same year, he harassed Ms Benjie de Ubago at the Mounties.

In 2013

? During the “PADER Help” event, he asked why the “PNRL players are

being given special attention.”

? Unethical handling of quotations: he gave a copy of a quotation to his

favoured bidders.

? In front of the PCC Board, he tore a letter of complaint sent by the

PADER Committee.

? After Ateneo Alumni Association resigned, in his desire to remain in

PCC, he continued sitting in the PCC board while looking for another

association to represent. Ateneo resigned in July 2013 but he appeared

to have conspired with the Ateneo president not to send the official letter

until October 10, 2013.

Use of Proxy Votes

The PCC Constitution allows the use of proxy votes during elections. In past elections, some candidates have taken advantage of proxy votes to ensure winning their desired posts.

Proxies have enough potential to complicate the voting process without the need to check their legitimacy during the course of the meeting.

Proxy votes can start to become problematic and sadly, tantamount to cheating, if one member holds proxies from two or more other members. The PCC Constitution unfortunately allows each affiliate as many as 5 proxy votes. This should be drastically amended as it has been misused to cheat during past PCC elections.

As a general rule, proxy votes should only be used with a poll since this method allows all of the proxies to be tabled and accounted for in the vote.

A way to simplify proxy voting may be to provide in the rules that a member can only hold one proxy vote at any particular meeting.

PCC Affiliates are urged not to renew their membership, if only to prevent undesirables from being re-elected. — Dino Crescini

Updated: 2016-03-05 — 20:32:18


  1. Vicente Sanchez

    Hi Dino,

    Good insight and interesting reading.

    I will send you John’s photos tonight.


    Vicente Sanchez
    M – 0407 415 255