What is the real meaning of marriage? by Edwin Zambrano

(continued from previous month)

ABC’s Play School Featuring Gay Dads on the Show. The ABC’s Play School can no longer be trusted not to push political agendas with its plan to feature gay dads on the show. Parents should not be forced into explaining to kids how two men come to have a baby.

Unsupervised watching of Play School was always considered safe by generations of parents. Now parents can’t be sure if their children are going to be exposed to contested social and political agendas. The Play School executive producer Jan Stradling told Guardian Australia that this would”… reflect current Australian society by showing a range of family structures and backgrounds.”

New non-specific gender birth certificates for the ACT. The terms “mother” and “father” will effectively become interchangeable under new laws passed by the ACT parliament recently.

Birth certificates will give parents the option of choosing “mother” and “father”, but will also allow “parent 1” and “parent 2”, “mother” and “mother”, or “father” and “father”. Government records will be a little more specific, listing the woman who gives birth as a “birth parent” and a partner as the “other parent”.

The ACT government has also dropped gender-specific pronouns from the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act and the Parentage  Act, embracing the plural use of “their” to replace “his or her”.

The ACT is leading the nation in the area, and the chairperson of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Advisory Council said the changes would make a significant difference to people’s lives.

A parenting guide produced by Health SA states that children under five should be taught about sex. Parenting SA Children’s Sexual Behaviour Guide has been criticized as inappropriate, confusing and “robbing very young children of their innocence.” The Australian Medical Association SA says the introduction of concepts like self-gratification to pre-schoolers had the “potential to sexualise children.”

Anti-discrimination complaint ‘an attempt to silence’ the Church over same-sex marriage, Hobart Archbishop says. Transgender activist and Federal Greens candidate Martine Delaney has lodged a complaint about the Church’s booklet bearing the slogan “Don’t Mess with Marriage,” which was handed out at to all Catholic schools in Australia. Ms. Delaney said the language used in the booklet  stating that “…messing with marriage is messing with kids,” implied criminal activity.

An anti-discrimination complaint was lodged against Tasmania’s Catholic Archbishop Julian Porteus. His Grace has described this anti-discrimination complaint as an attempt to prevent Christians publicly expressing their views. He said: “I’m aware that there are some in our society who would seek to silence the Church on this issue.” He also added that “…increasingly, they are trying to manipulate anti-discrimination legislation to achieve this end.”

What you need to do during the imminent Marriage plebiscite. Be aware of the ramifications of redefining the meaning of marriage and ensure that your voice is heard by voting in the imminent plebiscite on Same-Sex Marriage. Select NO to any proposal that redefines the meaning of marriage.

Selecting NO is the only way to go for our families and our country!

(Editor’s Note: The author of this article believes that we should respect the LBGTI people but he wants the traditional meaning of  marriage to remain unchanged.)

Mr. Edwin Zambrano has broad range of hands-on and leadership roles in IT project management, outsourcing, service delivery, service integration management, and service governance, as well as in IT financial management. He has worked with global outsourcing companies, container ports operation, banking and an industrial real estate firm. He has expertise in IT service desk and global field operations, service integration management comprised of best-of-breed brokering, aggregation and assurance, IT service governance, Customer experience management — a step above technical service level metrics, IT service costing, transparency and recharging, IT service management tool suite (CA Service Desk and CSM, HP OpenView, Remedy, ServiceNow) and Offshore service delivery. Zambrano has a bachelor’s degree from the University of the Philippines and an MBA in Financial Management from the University of Sydney. ?

Updated: 2016-05-18 — 19:51:45