Malicious posting from ‘Fr. Joseph’

In the September issue of Philippine Sentinel, we published as “Letter to the Editor” what we believed was sent by a certain Fr. Joseph who turned out to have misrepresented himself as a priest. After receiving a call from Fr. Kevin Walsh and Fr. Paul Venticinque, we determined that the contents of the letter were untrue and malicious.

The matter is now under investigation and upon completion, we will reveal the true identity of the person who sent the malicious posting in the website of Philippine Sentinel.

Updated: 2011-11-06 — 18:14:17


  1. Dear Dino,

    THank you for posting this in regards to that potentially malicious material by the said Fr.Joseph last year. All I can say is that Fr.Joseph as such did not exist. The man behind the posting was certainly a priest from the Parramatta Diocese, who has since left the priesthood in a most unusual way to continue his married life….it seems that he had been married for 12months prior to him telling the world . I am still very concerned that the article that was printed in the Philippine Sentinel is still attached to my name and Paul Venticinique’s names when searched by Google. I just wish that your next note about the malicious and false content could so how get onto Google so the rwong committed could be righted.TPlease do not oprint my comment to the Public. THankyou.