Vegetable Garden at MPC Schofields goes pffffftt!

What was conceived by Emma de Vera and apparently approved by the Philippine Australian Community Foundation (PACF) Board as a brilliant idea now appears to be dead.

Some weeks ago, the sunken area of the MPC in Schofields was filled with tons of garden soil reportedly donated by some individuals. After the top layer was tilled by MPC caretaker Vince Flores, planting of several varieties of vegies commenced.

Volunteers and some so-called community leaders were present during the photo shoot in front of the garden and planting commenced.

Anticipating the forthcoming summer months, journalist Jaime Pimentel warned that the plants would require regular irrigation. Thus, a long garden hose would be needed because the tap and apparently the only source of water was not very close to the garden site.

Well, it did not happen. The long dry season has begun and the plants went dry and now presumably dead. When I spoke to MPC Caretaker Vince Flores last December 16, he said that there was no rain.

I hope it rains soon but there is no assurance that dead plants could be resurrected back to life. Anymore bright ideas, anyone? — Dino Crescini

Updated: 2013-01-02 — 09:50:17