Unpaid Receivables of 2013 and 2014

There was an earlier email on this subject sent out to several recipients by the 2014 PCC Treasurer Mr. Danny Peralta, questioning the validity if not the legality of the processes by which this audit and the re-convening of the Annual General Meeting to ratify it is being called…which up to this writing have not been addressed by the Immediate Past President, Mr. Jose Relunia Jr.  and the External Auditor, Mr. Leo Ceniza.

Notwithstanding the issues contained in the said email, I would like to make some queries: what happens now with the numerous  disbursements of the past (2013) and immediate past (2014) PCC-NSW Board that were not duly supported by receipts or acknowledgement of receipts as shown in this statement? Are we just leaving those at that? Who will ensure that those who have received money and entrusted huge amount of community funds are made accountable? Will it again be a forgive and forget? That if we win the next election of officers…we are condoned of the wrong doings of the past? Are we sending a [wrong] signal to future officers and directors of the PCC Board that it is ok to do the same using precedence as an excuse?  That it is ok to handle community funds and not be accountable for it? That if an “externally audited” Financial Statement (no matter how many pages of qualified opinion and auditor’s recommendation is in it) is approved by the general membership, everything is ok and will be forgiven and forgotten?

And what about the now ageing list of receivables? Shouldn’t those responsible for those bad accounts be held accountable? Or is it safe to say that by a mere board resolution we can just “write them off”? And again send a wrong signal to future board members and the community — that it is OK not to pay your tickets to the ball and advertisements to the souvenir program because PCC-NSW will eventually write them off.

What will motivate anyone to sell tickets and remit payments when he or she knows that others can give away tickets with a promise to pay? Can we spend or give “a promise” to charity?  Can we buy relief goods based on mere promise to pay?

What will motivate me to solicit advertisements for the souvenir program when in the back of my mind — hey, I can have this ad printed and just make a promise to pay. What values…what culture of morality are we building within the “council” and the Filipino community?  Is this the legacy we promised or is this a legacy of “I promise”?

Again, I am just asking for “fair dinkum” sake! Let our conscience (if we still have it) prevail!

Cesar Bartolome

A concerned member of the Philippine Australian Community

Updated: 2015-06-05 — 18:24:42