Category: Opinion

A doomsday scenario

Prior to December 21, 2012, many people were scared that the world would end as predicted by the Mayan Calendar. Some even went to the extent of building underground bunkers with very thick concrete walls thinking that the structure was formidable enough to protect them from whatever was expected to come. There were those who […]

Wedding bells for Glencore and Xstrata by Bernie Lopez

The Glencore-Xstrata super-merger, which was stalled for months on price and management-retention issues, has finally been forged. This merging of two giants into an even bigger giant simply means their corporate clout has increased not two-fold but five-fold. The super-merger was met with protests against Xstrata’s environmental crimes related to mines in Peru, Columbia, and […]

What is really the plan for the Filipino Chaplaincy? by Dino Crescini

So many conflicting stories have been floating around about the Filipino Chaplaincy. First, there was an announcement that various ethnic chaplaincies would be discontinued and that they would start with the Filipinos. Fr. Chris de Souza, Vicar General for the Diocese of Parramatta has dismissed news that circulated in the community as “mischievous rumours” when […]